Find out why
At Advanced Sleep, we provide services to help diagnose and treat obstructive sleep apnea. Our dedicated medical team provides comprehensive testing using state of the art equipment. A referral form is required for all home sleep apnea testing (HSAT) and can be provided upon request.
Already Using CPAP?
When was the last time you had your CPAP inspected? CPAP equipment and settings should be reviewed by a trained professional to ensure your equipment is functioning properly and your settings are titrated to your current condition.
Insurance Coverage
Great news! Most insurance companies cover the cost of CPAP equipment and supplies if you are diagnosed with Sleep Apnea. However, each insurance company has their own specific criteria that have to be met. We understand it can be frustrating trying to meet these criteria. At Advanced Sleep, we deal directly with the insurance companies so you don’t have to! We take the hassle out of insurance and get you living your better life sooner.
Our friendly team would be happy to answer any questions or concerns you have. Call, email, or schedule an appointment to talk to one of our Registered Respiratory Therapists.